
Transfer or Register Your Domain with Caloti and Get Free Hosting!

  • 2nd June 2023
Great news for all those looking to make their mark on the World Wide Web! Caloti, your bold, creative partner in the digital realm, is excited to announce a game-changing offer. From 1st June to midnight on 30th June 2023, transfer or register your domain to Caloti and we'll give you free hosting for the rest of the year.    Caloti ...
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Introducing Payfast Integration: Your Hassle-Free Path to Online Success

  • 10th April 2023
We've got some electrifying news for you! At Caloti, we're all about empowering you to reach new heights and achieve your dreams. And we know that a seamless payment experience is crucial to your online journey. That's why we're stoked to announce our latest partnership with Payfast, a leading payment gateway that makes online transactions a ...
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